Peace of Mind: An illusion of your brain or your society?

A blissful mind can only be attained as soon as you start discovering the real purpose of your life.

3 min readJul 3, 2020

When we say that the world we live in is crowded with algorithmic chaos, do we really see two sides of this chaotic coin? The peace a newborn child is craving for from her mother, the peace a woman is seeking from her God, the peace an old man is asking from his family, why do you think all these seem too unachievable to all of us? On the other hand, we are desperately chasing after bourgeois ambition and cosmic fame, every hour, every day. And, what are these even for? To build a peaceful life for ourselves? If so, then why is your little mind still upside down?

I say, we, human beings are never satisfied. We think, we will achieve contentment accomplishing the purpose of our life, while on the contrary, we don’t even know what purpose really suits us. So, what is it you are exactly looking for from this bewildered world? Your brain nags about the peace of mind that can be attained at a stroke, while all you are doing 24/7 is thinking of how to reach the peak of success and social hierarchy. In the meantime, you forget to realize the worth of discovering the meaning of your true happiness. We all become so focused on finding what awaits us in the future that we ignore the endless joy we already have in our lives.

Let’s assume that some of you who are reading this article are already successful in your lives according to your own definition of success. But yet, you are nowhere near to possess the serenity that you probably have been craving for years and years. Even every dose of your victory doesn’t bring peace anymore to your life. Wondering what is going wrong and what still is missing? It is likely because this is not what your inner self really craves for, rather you probably just want something simple and meaningful but different from most others. But, what always happens? Life and its puzzles! Maybe you got so lost by society’s opinions and manipulated by the peer pressure that you’ve ended up leading their definition of blissful life instead of genuinely living yours.

I too agree and strongly believe how fame and success seem important to please ourselves. But, can you imagine yourself being the happiest person on earth when your soul is absolutely empty in spite of even reaching the climax of glory? I see my friends and people around me complaining how unsatisfied they are, despite having almost everything in their lives. So, what goes wrong? I think, living in such a competitive world, the mirage of picture-perfect life we create in our heads simply becomes the cause of clouding our own needs and desires. I’m sure that no one on earth can name an individual, who never had any trouble or misery in his life. If this is the case, then why do others' lives seem so meaningful and our lives seem so worthless to ourselves? I tell you, it’s because we don’t try to figure out our inner self, and don’t acknowledge what we really need to ease our heart.

So, just look through it. Discover the essence of your life. Don’t fall into the trap of your own hallucination. Don’t get exploited by mainstream beliefs. The absence of inner peace you complain about might exist right there in yourself. Maybe for you, true happiness could only mean the sense of belongingness. Or maybe for you, it could mean winning a big battle of glory. It always varies, from soul to soul and from time to time. All you need to do is to discover what your own meaning of euphoria is and to act accordingly. The moment you start realising it, you are on the stairways of your peace of mind.




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